The Probability of Winning at Blackjack

You might be curious about the odds of winning at blackjack. Understanding probabilities can help you make informed decisions while playing the game. In this article, we’ll delve into the statistics surrounding blackjack and explain them in a way that’s easy to grasp.

Let’s begin with the basics: what is probability? Probability is a number between 0 and 1 that represents the likelihood of an event occurring. For example, if an event has a probability of 0.5, it means there’s an equal chance of it happening or not happening.

Now, let’s move on to blackjack. In blackjack, the objective is to have a hand value that’s closer to 21 than the dealer’s hand without going over 21. To calculate probabilities in blackjack, we need to consider all the possible outcomes of a hand.

Imagine you’ve been dealt two cards: a 9 and a 5. The total value of your hand is 14. What are the chances of winning with this hand? To determine this, we need to consider all the possible outcomes of the dealer’s hand.

The dealer’s hand can have any value between 1 and 21. Let’s break down the probabilities of the dealer’s hand into several categories:

  1. The dealer has a hand value that’s less than 14. In this case, you have a higher chance of winning since your hand value is already higher than the dealer’s. The probability of the dealer having a hand value less than 14 is 0.27.

  2. The dealer has a hand value that’s between 14 and 16. In this case, you still have a good chance of winning since your hand value is already close to 21. The probability of the dealer having a hand value between 14 and 16 is 0.35.

  3. The dealer has a hand value that’s between 17 and 21. In this case, you have a lower chance of winning since the dealer’s hand is already closer to 21. The probability of the dealer having a hand value between 17 and 21 is 0.38.

Now that we’ve broken down the probabilities of the dealer’s hand, let’s calculate your chances of winning. To do this, we multiply the probability of the dealer’s hand by the probability of your hand beating the dealer’s hand.

Using the same example as before, you have a 14-value hand, and the dealer’s hand has a 50% chance of being less than 14, a 35% chance of being between 14 and 16, and an 18% chance of being between 17 and 21.

Therefore, your chances of winning with a hand value of 14 are:

0.5 x (1 - 0.35) + 0.35 x (1 - 0.18) + 0.18 x (1 - 0.5) = 0.27 + 0.31 + 0.09 = 0.67

Your probability of winning with a hand value of 14 is 0.67 or 67%. This means you have a 67% chance of beating the dealer’s hand with your current hand value.

It’s important to note that these probabilities are based on a single deck of 52 cards and may vary slightly depending on the number of decks used in a game. Additionally, blackjack has many rules variations, and some rules can affect the probabilities.

In conclusion, understanding probabilities in blackjack can help you make better decisions during the game. By calculating the probabilities of the dealer’s hand and your own hand, you can determine your chances of winning and adjust your strategy accordingly. Remember that practice makes perfect, so keep playing and honing your skills to increase your chances of success in blackjack!


  1. What is probability? Probability is a number between 0 and 1 that represents the likelihood of an event occurring.
  2. How do you calculate probabilities in blackjack? To calculate probabilities in blackjack, we need to consider all the possible outcomes of a hand and multiply them by the probability of each outcome.
  3. What is the probability of winning with a hand value of 14 in blackjack? The probability of winning with a hand value of 14 in blackjack is 0.67 or 67%. This means you have a 67% chance of beating the dealer’s hand with your current hand value.